Monday 30 April 2012

Do houses have souls?

There's a property in Waverley that caught my eye the other day. Properties in this area don't come onto the market often, and when they do they're pricey - but I've noticed that this one has been standing empty for a while, so thought it might be up for a bargain. I won't go into detail about how shocking the estate agent involved is, but I went around there today to have a look, because the asking price is essentially the price of the land - a 3100 square metre property. I have a couple of plots and schemes in mind, and wanted to see if they would actually work. 

Well, the plots and schemes wouldn't work in our world right now, for a number of reasons. However, the reason that struck home the most was the soul of this house. It's a bank repossession to start with - so I guess there's already a bit of bad karma there. Whoever owned it last left in a hurry - it was obviously used as offices, because there were desks in the living area, but they were covered with files and paperwork. One of the bedrooms had the frame of a bed in it, but no mattress. The bathrooms were grim, the ceilings have obviously been leaking for a while, and there were odd personal items left lying around - a racket on the tennis court, exercise balls outside the main bathroom, and cartoon characters on the walls in two of the bedrooms. Combination of things: it just felt yuck being in there, and for any of my plots and schemes to come to fruition, the place would need to be demolished - it's bad karma was way too heavy for me to contemplate a renovation. 

We have noticed a property's soul before, though, when we were looking for a house to buy in 2004. We looked at a property in Linden. When Brett and I walked in, we both felt something heavy falling on our shoulders. As we wandered through the house, I literally couldn't bring myself to speak. One room in the house had very clean carpets - the rest of the house was filthy. It made me think that a vicious murder had taken place there, or serial abuse - there was just something evil in that house's soul, and we couldn't get out of there fast enough. Both of us picked up the same energy, and experienced the same reaction. 

I guess picking up good energy in a house is what makes you buy it. We both picked up good energy when we walked into our current home, and that energy is what made us buy it. Lord knows, if we'd looked a little closer, we probably would have run for the hills - old houses, no matter how warm their souls, come with a much more than they appear to, and not necessarily in a good way. 

But even though we didn't look closely enough to pick up the cracked pool or the destroyed floors, we felt that it was home. And most people who visit our home comment on how welcome they feel here. 

A psychic friend who housesat for us once said that she'd seen an old lady wandering around the house. Quite a plump dame, with grey hair twisted into a loose bun. A friendly soul apparently. 

Perhaps she is the soul of our home - a warm and welcoming grandmother. The soul of the house I went to today is more like a mid-40s polygamist cad who leaves his dirty alaundry lying around for everyone else to pick up. The soul of the Linden house was an angry, hardened, bitter spinster aunt with a penchant for corporal punishment. 

What did you feel when you first walked into the home you live in? If you could describe the soul of your home, what would it look like? 


Jenty said...

Hmm didn't know you had this blog!
I think you're right... we loved the feeling in our current house, and like you we should have run a mile. Love the image of the plump dame with a bun in her hair :)

Tam said...

In Nichiren Buddhism, we believe that everything has karma - including houses. (And rocks, and businesses and and and)

I love the feel of your house. Always did. And I believe it's important to feel comfortable in the energy of your house. A friend once described houses as wombs, with a living, breathing soul. (He's Pagan) I regularly honour the spirit of the house and garden.

Our current house, which we are renting, feels very homey and peaceful. If it looked human, it would probably look like my Ouma and smell like her spaghetti sauce and roast potatoes (which were always a comfort)

Maddies fell in love with the house the minute she saw its picture on the internet. When we looked at the house, I could feel there were lots of social occasions held here, that the spirit of the house was a little neglected, but good all the same. There were some areas of stagnant energy, but these were easily cleared.

I have been in houses where I wanted to leave immediately and in others where it felt like I was embraced in a lovely warm hug.